The Niobe was built by Vickers in 1897. She was 466 ft. long and carried a crew of 677 men. One of eight ships of the Diadem class she carried an armourment of sixteen 6 in. guns, twelve 12-pdrs and five 3-pdrs she also carried two 18 in torpedo tubes.
She was commissioned into the Royal Canadian Navy on the 6th of September 1910. Nearly lost when she went aground in July 1911 she was not back in service until the end of 1912.
For the next 2 years she sat unused until the fall of 1914 when she was placed on contraband patrol with the Royal Navys 4th Cruiser Squadron. She returned to Halifax completely worn out in July 1915 and was never to put to sea again. Badly damaged in the Halifax explosion of 1917 she was scrapped in 1920.
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