Siberian Appendix B

P. Whitney Lackenbauer, University of Waterloo

©April 1998

Appendix B continued from “Appendix A.”

Appendix B: Trade Union Support to the Russian Revolution

Resolution number 27 of the 1919 Alberta Federation of Labour annual convention stated:

WHEREAS: The war between opposed imperialist interests has ceased; the suddenness of its collapse being due to the Social Revolution which, starting in Russia, gradually found its way into Austria-Hungary and Germany. Those who were expecting at any moment to be called upon to don the khaki and face the ghastly horrors of twentieth century wholesale slaughter, owe a deep debt of gratitude to those splendid Russian revolutionists. Millions of soldiers on the battle fronts of Europe owe their lives to the glorious victory of the Russian working people. Are we prepared to repay that debt by extending to Russia the hand of fellowship in such a manner as will frustrate the nefarious designs of the organized international capitalists? Throughout the long years of this brutal blood-fest it has been unceasingly proclaimed, from Press, Pulpit, and Platform, that ‘we must crush German despotism and make the world safe for democracy.’ Millions of men heard that slogan and believed it and today are rotting beneath the battle-fields of France and Flanders. Have those men been betrayed? If not, why are those who are chiefly responsible for the overthrow of the German Junker ruling class being vilified by our government-controlled Press? Why are the governments of The Allied Nations supporting the counter-revolutionary armies in Russia? Why do our government’s spokesmen mouth much about Self-determination, while using every means at their disposal to undermine and handicap the Soviet Administration in Russia? [italics mine] The working class is bewildered by those contradictions. While workers are inclined instinctively to support the social revolution which is developing so mightily, nevertheless they tend to hesitate after reading the poisonous propaganda of the Allied governments. This unceasing campaign of calumny can have but one purpose; namely, to win world-class support for the decision of the capitalist class to throttle the socialist republics of Russia and Germany. Hesitation on our part would be fatal!

The aspirations of organized Labor as embodied in the preamble to the Alberta Federation of Labor Constitution; namely ‘the social ownership and control of all means of production, transportation, and distribution,’ are now taking material shape under the Soviet Administration. We are challenged: either to renounce our principles, or to take such action as will save them from becoming meaningless phrases. Therefore be it

RESOLVED, that this convention of the Alberta Federation of Labor places itself on record as being in full accord and sympathy with the aims and purposes of the Russian and German socialist revolutions, and be it further

RESOLVED, that this convention gives the incoming executive officers full power to call a province-wide general strike should the Allied power persist in their attempt to overthrow the Soviet administration in Russia or Germany or in any country in which a Soviet form of government is or may be established[italics mine]and be it further

RESOLVED, that this resolution be forwarded to the Western Labor Conference, to be held in Calgary, for endorsation and co-operation in the carrying it into effect, and be it further

RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be sent to all Central Labor bodies throughout Canada.(55)

Continue reading CANADIAN FOREIGN POLICY AND SIBERIAN INTERVENTION, 1918-19 page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4, page 5, page 6, Appendix A, Appendix B, Bibliography


55. Quoted in Buck, 45-46.

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