Red River Expeditionary Force 1870-1877 Appendix III F


Surnames beginning with “F”

#    NAME           BW        OCCUPATION          DISCHARGE REMARKS

472  Fulthorp George Edward   0316           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  5
473  Franklin George Joseph   0317           Brakeman       Winnipeg  71  3
474  Faulkner John            0318           Bricklayer     Winnipeg  71  4
475  Ferguson Joseph H.       0319           Labourer       Toronto   71  7
476  Forman Charles           0320           Carpenter      Toronto   70  6
477  French Gilbert Wiggins   0321           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  4
478  Fraser William F.        0322           Sailor         Winnipeg  71  4
479  Farmer Richard H.        0323           Clerk          Winnipeg  71  4
480  Fargey William           0324           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  4
481  Fowler R.A.              0133           Farmer         Winnipeg  71  3
482  Fox Michael              0326           Labourer       Winnipeg  71  4
483  Fowler John Daniel       0327           Sailor         Toronto   71  7
484  Forster Samuel           0325           Blacksmith     Toronto   71  7
485  Flammand Jacques         0328           Miller         Kingston  71  5
486  Ferguson Richard         0329           Carpenter      Winnipeg  71  4
487  Fisher Alfred E.         0330           Mail Clerk     Winnipeg  71  5
488  Faneuf Louis             0165           Navigator      Kingston  71  5
489  Forrest Donald           0016           Printer        Kingston  70 12
490  Fidlar Charles           0332           Painter        Kingston  71  5
491  Finnerty Edward          0331           Tailor         Kingston  70  9
492  Fisher Robert            0333           Labourer       Winnipeg  71  5
493  Fortin Cyprien           0334           Joiner         Winnipeg  71  3
494  Finlay George            0335           Labourer       Winnipeg  71  5
495  Farrelly John            0020           Labourer       Kingston  71  5
496  Fieldhouse Wm. Henry     0337           Collier        Kingston  71  5
497  Farrelly Thomas          0336           Farmer         Kingston  71  5
498  Forbes Daniel            0966           Student        Winnipeg  72 10
499  Forster Robert           1059           Farmer         Winnipeg  72 10
500  Fawcett Albert John      1060           Clerk          Winnipeg  72 10
501  Falls Robert             1061           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  72  9
502  Fothergill John          0967           Clerk          Winnipeg  72 10
503  Fosbrooke Leonard        1062           Clerk          Winnipeg  72 10
504  Fullerton James          1063           Shoemaker      Winnipeg  72  9
505  Fullerton Patrick        Rec'd          Confectioner   --------------- 
As Substitute
506  Fraser John              1064           Labourer       Winnipeg  72 10
507  Falby John               1172           Farmer         Winnipeg  74 11
508  Ferguson William         1379           Tailor         Winnipeg  74  9
509  Fitzgerald George        Deserted       Pianomaker     --------  74  5
510  French George W.         Rec'd          Clerk          Winnipeg  75  9 
As substitute
511  Fortier Hermenegilde     1151           Baker          Winnipeg  74  9
512  Foster George A.         1279           Clerk          Winnipeg  75  5
513  Foley Thomas             1280           Labourer       Winnipeg  75  5
514  Forsythe Richard         DFBC           Blacksmith     Winnipeg  74 10
515  Frizzle John             1281           Sailor         Winnipeg  75  5
516  Forrester John           Deserted       Labourer       Winnipeg  74  6
517  Fraser John              0313           Officer        --------  71  7
518  Fletcher John Price      0314 1144      Officer        --------  74 12
519  Fidlar Edward            0315           Officer        --------  71  7
520  Flood John               DNFT           Labourer       Winnipeg  76  6
521  Flagherty David          DNFT           Brickmaker     Winnipeg  77  8
522  Flint John               DNFT           Waiter         Winnipeg  76  6
523  French George Henry V.   1424           Bookkeeper     Winnipeg  77  8

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