Death Finds a Way: A Janie Riley Mystery
Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies. With her husband Steven, Janie heads to Salt Lake City Utah to track down her elusive fourth great-grandmother. But her search into the past leads her to more than she bargained for. Her discovery of a dark secret brings her closer to danger. Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present, and untangle a web of lies before disaster strikes?
Guide & How-To Books
Organize Your Genealogy in Evernote in 10 Easy Steps
Filling in the Gaps: Finding Pre-1865 Ships Passenger Lists to Canada
Guide to Finding a Loyalist Ancestor in Upper Canada (Ontario)
Ancestor Birth Record Finder: Finding a Birth Record When You’ve Hit a Brick Wall
Ancestor Marriage Record Finder: Finding a Marriage Record When You’ve Hit a Brick Wall
Ancestor Death Record Finder: Finding a Death Record When You’ve Hit a Brick Wall
Sharing Family Stories and Memories: Prompts for Writing Your Memoirs for Future Generations
New Netherland Settlers Books

New Netherland Settlers: Cornelis Antonissen Van Slyke 1604-1676 & his French-Mohawk Wife Ots-Toch
In 1634 the Dutchman Cornelis Antonissen Van Slyke set out on a perilous journey to New Netherland (present day New York). He was a thirty year old carpenter and mason whose skills were desirable in the new colony. Little did he know that a lifetime of adventure and hardship awaited him. Within a few years after his arrival in the New World he would meet a French-Mohawk woman named Ots-Toch. This is the story of Cornelis and Ots-Toch, and of Ots-Toch’s father Jacques Hertel, interpreter in New France (present day Quebec) to Samuel de Champlain, the Father of Canada. This book also follows the descendants of Cornelis and Ots-Toch to 5 generations.
New Netherland Settlers: Lodewyck Cornelis Post & His Wife Agnietje Bonen
New Netherland Settlers: Captain Adriaen Crijnen Post & Claartje Moockers
New Netherland Settlers: A Walloon in New Amsterdam:: Adriaen Vincent and his Wife Magdaleen Eloy
New Netherland Settlers: The Straetsman Sisters Barentje & Teuntje and Their Six Husbands
Van Valkenburg to Vollick
Peer Family in North America
Miscellaneous Books
Bigamy & Jail: Rachel Eves & Her Four Husbands (Fardy, Van Every, Van Norman, & Slote)
The Bigamist in My Family Tree: Robert Rodgers 1890-1953 & His 3 Wives